One thing you likely have in your
vehicle at all times is the owner’s manual and if there is no owner manual you
should keep it nearby. This instructional manual will help you in handling the
vehicle and it provides all the information from how to operate the vehicle to
how to service your vehicle. Most importantly it will contain the
troubleshooting advice. The service manual like the Komatsu Service Manual provides
you all the necessary information that you need to know about your vehicle. Here are some of the things will be surely contained in
your owner’s manual;
Initial Setup of the
In recent days the vehicle is coming
with the technological feature so you have to know how to operate them in an
effective and right manner. The system usually includes things like keyless
entry, delayed lighting and even about the sounding system. Without guidance,
the initial setup of the vehicle is very difficult to perform. The Komatsu
Parts Manual gives you step by step guidance on the initial setup of
the vehicle.
How to Check the
Fluids of the Vehicle
On reading the service manual you get
to know how to check the fluids of your vehicle and how frequent you should
change your vehicle’s fluid. The Case Service Manual tells
you about where to measure the fluids because the location of the fluid get
differs from one model to another.
Servicing Schedules
Servicing the vehicle is a very
important thing that should be done in between the proper intervals that
usually helps you to maintain the lifespan of your vehicle. They also help you
with sudden troubleshooting issues. If there are any parts replacement in your
vehicle the case IH parts catalog will help you to find the
quality parts.
Final thoughts
Other than these things still there
will be more things to take into consideration, the owner’s manual will help
you in a variety of ways.